Doubt. Again.. it is crawling inside me… I have doubt… doubt towards him… and currently, this DOUBT is growing bigger and BIGGER… I am uncertain about what I felt…. I hate DOUBT….why he is too secretive… is he is not serious towards me or what??? What is this feeling that suddenly exist in my heart.. and why am I crying rite now? Why I feel so bad? Why…. I just want to smile… take away this tears… fucking hell.. im crying….. BUT WHY??? WHY?
Is this somehow, by any chance is the sign for me???i must gone too far….. I hate DOUBT…I hate this…. I want to be happy… I want to smile… go away DOUBT… go away……. Please prove it to me that this DOUBT is not real. Please prove it to me that this DOUBT is just the misunderstanding..please prove it to me that this DOUBT is wrongly insane…. Please prove it to me……prove it to me no matter what… please dear… I hate to cry… I hate tears… I hate HURT…ive hurt enough…
ENOUGH!!!!!STOP THIS FUCKING DOUBT!!!! I can’t handle it anymore…. Go AWAY DOUBT! Let me have some faith in this guy…. But he has pulled the faith away….im in DOUBT again.
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