May be that the best excuses rather than I don’t date my friends. I mean, come on… we’ve been friends, why want to devastate something nice like this. I like to be your friends, and now you have feeling for me??? OMG… I mean I know how it felt but I guess I am not ready… it is not your fault at all. You have been so nice to me. It is not about you.. you are just fine… when I kept saying I want someone who is fucking handsome and rich, it does not meant that you are not handsome.. and it is not definitely meant that I am a GOLD DIGGER or materialistic types of women.. although I think that I’ve got the point out there… sape xnak kahwin ngan laki hensem n kaya rite? BUT the important criterion is that he must be a MUSLIM, and he loves me because of ALLAH… and it hard to find that kind of person.
Yes you might be him, but I don’t date friends anymore… I mean look what happen between me and my ex.. we used to be good friend. But when we broke up, there is nothing left.. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.
I guess I’m not ready…. I hope you do understand. I like you I do.. but not more than just a friends… perhaps you are my exception, but inside my heart, I guess its better for us to be FRIEND.. im so sorry. I do love you friend… you always be there when I need you.. and thanks a lot. I promise that I’ll be there too when you need me because I am your friend rite?
If you do read this, please do contact me back… it is fun when you are here.. why ruin such a good thing right?? And I am so sorry… let just time take us there if there is something between us… but for now, let’s stay as a friend….
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