korang pernah dengar tak lagu ni???haha...sumpah sweet..remember the moment gemuk sing this song..there is a message in this song actually.... OMG..gemuk has been so sweet without he realizing it...dia x romantic langsung..seriously..tp dia xpernah sedar yang dia sweet...haha..
gemuk gemuk..cubelah if bucuk ni merajuk gemuk pujuk... ni tak.. "ala nanti lama-lama dia ok la tu".. tapi betul la...merajuk la mcm mana pun...bila dah rindu, msg gemuk balik... gemuk, dont u realize that u made me so in love again? jahat la.. thanks for the song... " hanya kau kekasihku yang bernama afaf"..haha..sengal... jom dengar lagu ni jap
Relakan cintamu Seri
Leburkanlah rinduku ini
Agar bisa ku menikmati
Belaian kasih yang sejati
Biarpun hanya seketika
Biarpun bukan selama-lama
Sekali sudi kau menerima
Sejuta kali ku 'kan setia
Sekali bumi beredar
Mentari terbit di ufuk dunia
Bintang di angkasa
Masih bernafas di dada
Selagi itu kau kucinta
Inilah janjiku
Insan yang mengenal erti
Sepi yang tiada sepi, sepi lagi
Tinggal kau harapan
Satu-satunya sandaran
Jalan ku pulang ke jalan yang terang
Seri, aku merayu
Pada kau yang bernama Seri
Relakan cintamu Seri
Leburkanlah rinduku ini
Agar bisa ku menikmati
Belaian kasih yang sejati
Darimu Seri
Hanya kau kekasihku
Yang bernama... Seri...
hehe....ive been to karaoke a lot lately...singing macam ape je.. i guess yeah this is what i shall call as happiness..im glad that i have overcome my sadness n juz go on with my life...n i know somehow that i have to praise Allah as this happiness would not come without HIS bless..
past is just a chapter of my life.. i cant wait to turn 20 years old..coz im a young adult by then... that is why i think im eleminating my bad behavior like merajuk pasal benda kecik je.. i have to say this that my ex, is very patient about me..haha...it turn out im the not so good in jaga hati org, had cause a break up..
but i learn from my mistakes... i dont know why, i kinda dengaq cakap gemuk..may be he is older make me respect him more..before this, i always want to win, and people must listen to me.. but now...not anymore.. im changing from being a spoilt childish to a grown up beautiful women..haha..perasan..
but i see changes in me...closer to god, eventho im no so pious lah..i still not wearing scarf sometimes..but, whenever i feel happiness inside me, i thank Allah for it..which i rarely did previously....
gemuk have been so strict..like whenever i didnt wear tudung when im going out with my friends, he will be piss off..then i dont know why...im obeying je whatever that is good for me..like i rarely going out late at night dah..and owez hang out ngan gurlz je skrg..coz ms kt melbourne dulu mungkin lain lah...whenever im disobeyed him then he would said "dengaq ckp kami sama, jgn ketegaq sgt"..haha...juz like my dad..that is y i never questioned back after that.. the most thinng i like when he start his ceramah or nasihat when aku x dengar kata is, he will call me "Afaf Abu Bakar, dengaq cakap saya sama".. love it to make him piss off..he so cute bile marah.. :)
gemuk is my report card..nak keluar if ada lelaki kena cakap..sensitive sikit dia ni.. he always said "jgn belajaq muhung.." means dont tell lies..if im up to something be honest.. as well as him..HONESTY important in any relationship, isnt it?i know he being jelous eventho he didnt show it..i know...
altho we r not in a relationship..i know this relationship with gemuk is special..and i pray for Allah to bring happinehiss in this relationship..... AMIIN..
thank u for make me smile :)
ReplyDeleteso sweett baby. sng je nak follow. just g kat page fiqa n click follow. ada box tok followers tu
ReplyDeletesweet lah sangat..pak cik tue alwyas je rase segan..ntah la dia tue...now i miss him so much.. T_T haha..btw im following ur blog :)