Wednesday, February 10, 2010
the meaning is 'Don't Be sad'.The book that i've bought for RM 10 but actually its teach me a lot about how Allah gives hopes to us. That is why LA TAHZAN. 'Dont Be Sad' as Allah always be there for you. Of course we are sad when we've got problem, or when we lost things that we wished not to be lost for the rest of our life... but that is the reality.... semua yang kita peroleh dalam dunia hanyalah pinjaman dari Allah. Macam lagu 21 guns by greenday, nothings ever bulit to last rite????? actually im in a kind of very pathethic and sad life......haha...and yes i am sad....but what to be sad about???? LA TAHZAN. 'Don't Be Sad'. Allah tak menguji hambanya yang tak boleh melalui musibah yang diberikan.... Always remember that musibah or difficulties that we face today is because God loves us.... untuk menguji keiimanan kita sebagai muslims. So what to be sad about???? kita seringkali lupa, kadang-kadang leka....that is one of the reasons knp musibah melanda kita even though kita tak minta.. sebab lumrah manusia nih mudah to overcome our sadness???? easy... bersyukur dengan apa yang kita, berdoa, dan as simple as mengucapkan "Innalillahhiwainnalillahirojiun...". Insyaallah.... musibah kita akan diringankan.... apa yang kita lalui sekarang mungkin tak sebesar masalah orang lain... jadi bersyukarlah....bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita dan apa yang masih kita miliki... percayalah dan yakinlah dengan ALLAH....even at one time you just give up and down, and feel there is no hope, just believe that there will always hopes for you to count on it and to believe in it... you wil never regret it. hanya orang yang tak nak beri peluang dalam hidup dia saja yang akan kelak menyesal. Apa yang kita harus lakukan ialah, carilah peluang itu.... hopes is everywhere....even we are sad to death...beleive that there is alwyas happiness for us in future. Insyaallah....
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it just a matter of my opinion because people deserve to be happy and not to be left alone hurt and sad... crying to death... realize that musibah came for a reasons... and ALLAH is there and alwyas there to hear your prayer... just believe and trust yourself.....