Sunday, February 21, 2010

It is Okay

it is okay actually to feel down sometimes
it is okay actually to feel sad
it is okay to cry
it is okay to give up...
it is just fine....
because as human being,we cannot escape all of this kind of feelings. we cannot run from going through hard time.
so it is just okay....orang yang tak ada masalah dalam dunia nih mungkin orang gila je kot..
or babies and kanak2.. but they also have problems right???
so, memang semua insan dlm dunia tak akan lari dari masalah....sebab tu kalau kita kadang2 give up sbb apa yang kita usahakan tak membuahkan hasil, memang kita akan rasa sedih...tak kan nak happy pulak right??? insane lah kot dah usaha something sampai nak mati suddenly tak gain anything pun then, happy gila pulak...hahahaha.
tapi kita kena sedar, derita hari ini, mesti ada bahagia hari esok.....Insyaallah.. Allah Maha Mengasihani lagi Maha Penyayang...jadi percayalah... THERE WILL BE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL...
get someone to share your feeling and thought..because you will be at relief after that...because if you just keep it inside, one day you will be putting too much pressure inside which will lead you to collapse....and never get better. or wrote everything you feel inside in a diary... it helps a lot to reduce the, doa...Sebab you will never be alone. ALLAH is always there for you...luahkanlah dalam doa.. Trust me... you eill be at ease and at peace...
so it is okay to cry when you sad...scream out loud...let the pain go... its hard i know...but just let it go...Pray a lot.....Doalah...tawakal dan usaha....yang penting JANGAN PERNAH BERHENTI MENCUBA. carilah jawapan kenapa masalah itu membelenggu diri kita.....kalau derita itu akan bawa bahagia, it is okay to choose DERITA....


  1. sgt down sekarang....but it wont stop me for keep on just fine..

  2. takpe...
    keep on fighting k???
    dont just leet urself down..
