hai..its me again.. currently back from singapore and so excited to wrote aboput my experience there... it is a beautiful country.. very clean country.. u know what, u will be fined almost 500 singapore dollar if u threw rubbish away? and that is how they keep their country clean and hygienic... so, this time i decided to join a group trip... hehe.. fun although some of them are not really friendly and had cause troublesome to us.. but it is awsome.. because i am finally had a travel trip with my lovely sis.. :) heppi.
well basically we went to singapore at 12.30 in the morning.. can u imagine how tired and sleepy i was... hahaha.. but it is interesting..i just healed from fever and cough but that night, becuase of sleeping in the bus.. too cold for me lah.. then ive got a flu... biaselah join trip murah... RM 150.. affordable kan
we have been brief about what will happened on the next day by our tourist guide, mulkhlis.. nice man.. very polite and patient kowt dengan semua orang.. i should learn from him how to become a good tourist guide.. hehehe.. well this trip is for relaxing my brain and definetely for MY COMING BACK from the darkness age.. life should be interesting kan?
so enough with all those tears and what the hell... I AM NOT THE SAME AFAF ANYMORE.. u will know the new afaf inside me...
back to the trip.... hehehe.. so the morning we arrived at GELANG PATAH punye RnR..sumpah cantik doh..xmacam RnR l;ebuh raya utara selatan.. we arrived dalam kul 5.30 a.m. macam yg dijadualkan lah.. so after taking a shower, subuh prayer, i had a breakfast with my sis... time ni.. runny nose.. i hate it..but yeah finally aku bangun awal.. kul 5 kot...
then almost at 7 cam tue kitorang gerak pegi TUAS..imigresen lah.. but here is a thing.. in my passport aku pakai tudung.. but masa nak g singapore tu aku xpakai pulak tudung.. so im a bit nervouss as im afraid they wouln't pass me through.. mati la aku...
tapi semua tu just my subconscious punya pemikiran je... hahaha... xde menda lah... yeah i know aku masih belum tatally covered.. pray for me guys... memang aku nak bertudung.. hebat punya impian tu...tapi aku ad banyak persoalan... lets discuss it later ok...
again.. back to the trip.. lepas sampai imigresen TUAS tu kitorang betolak r ke imigresen singapore pulak...everything going so smooth.. and lepas check up.. alamak!!! biasalah orang ada TB ni sejuk sikit je carik ladies room lah.. (ATTENTION TB is Tiny Bladder)hehe... OMG!! toilet dia xde paip air ok.. mapos lah guna tissue je... benci tau... rasa sgt xbersih...
pastue sampai la singapore....sumpah excited giler... hehe.. terubat r rindu aku kat melbourne dowh... hehe..lebih kurang la melbourne ngan singapore.. pandai je aku kan.. kire ye la kot sbb signboard pun in english.
thye first stop kitorang kat singapore, of course lah MERLION city, and ESPLANADE park.. you guys know what, rupanya singa yang kuaq ayaq kot mulut dia tue upanya air pancut yang paling besar didunia.. can u imagine that...
and they believe that if u threw a coin and make a wish dekat ayaq pancut tu ur wish will come true kot... so i pray for my jodoh to come.. hahaha.. cam ape je..
dah la hujan ok time nie.. but disebabkan aku ngan my sis ni pikir kitoranglah AMERICAN NEXT TOP MODEL, punyalah begambo dlm hujan..
dah ar ada orang kore tu amik gambar ngan kitorang skali... mesti dia ingat aku ni supermodel...hahaha.. masuk bakul angkat sendirilah tue.... dah r gemok pendek... tu lah yang korang nak cakap kat aku kan???
pas pegi situ...kitorang jalan2 lah tgk kota singapura nie...but before thjat..nak gtaw yg aku jumpa zein ruffedge kat sana...hehe...so pas MERLION city tue, kitorang pegi chinatown.. sumpah best kot.. barang murah2...ada la beli barang tuk kawan2 n family sikit..
yang xboleh blah tue, perfume dia murah gile.. origanal ok.. no tax.. patut r murah..giorgo armani baru 55 dollar.. which u convert to malaysian ringgit baru 150... sumpah that was the factor why me and my sis are planning to go to singapore again... definetely go.... gile kau... murah siot..
well kat china town ni ada temple.. ape tah nama temple nie.. tapi sangat ramai lah chinese yg datang sini.. tambah2 lagi nak raya cina kan.. so pegi temple ni and berdoalah for their prosperity gitu... hehehe...
pas dah jalan2 beli belah kat china town habis lah 50 dollar aku.. equal to : 150 malaysia yg aku spend dalam 45 minit je.. gile ah.. so skrg aku percayalah.. sbb dulu my ex bf pernah cakap aku ni shopaholic... sumpah betullah ape yg dia cakap tue.. im a shopaholic.. tambah lagi kalau pasal, baju, perfume n chocolate..
pas tu dah lapar la..time lunch kul 12 kitorang pegi arab street.. sini banyak r makanan halal...sini yang menariknya adalah sultanate mosque.. sangat cantik kowt.. antara masjid yg tertua di singaporelah.. menariknya kat sini ialah MUSLIM dia kat sini sangat bagus, bila time solat, masjid akan penuh.. the most interesting part is rest room dia xpayah pakai kasut pun...sangatlah bersih.. macam tandas kat rumah kita... masjid kat Malaysia ni pun ada sesetengah yg rest room x bersih kan? and still masuk pakai selipar kan?
and ape yg menarik is eventhough singapore tu is a country where the dominance is chinese, their MUSLIM is well covered.. i mean menutup aurat lah evnthough the environment they live is not a Islamic environment.. tapi malaysia ni??? muslims pun sama je dress up macam non-muslim.... this is the thing that i would like to remind myself... and others lah... aku pun tak lah perfect.. sbb tu lah bila kita pergi negara orang tgk their culture, membuatkan aku berfikir... bukankah berfikir tu bagus
so...after the zuhur prayer where aku of course le jama' kan ... kitorang terus ke the most exciting moment... SENTOSA ISLAND... sumpah sangat excited nak masuk universal studio tue... hehehe... best kowt.... samapi je kat sna.. it is still raining lah... but sgt best dapat amek gambar dekat depan globe universal studio tu.. wowo rase cam dalam filem gitu.. dengan the smoke... gile ah...
tapi yang hampehnye...ade la participant dlm group kitorang ni yang tak participate... bengkek gile aku.. tunggu diorang dekat sejam setengah nak msuk universal studio tu.. tapi alih2 semua tak dapat masuk disebabkan golongan yang tak faham bahasa nie...
orang punya risau dia hilang, alih2 dia g makan KFC...WHATEVER betul...marah taw.. xsempat be;i tshirt I LOVE USS..argh...
sian kat ketua kumpulan a.k.a mukhlis tue... tapi xpe.. sakit hati itu akhirnya terubat lepas aku ngan kak aku main LUGE ngan SKYRIDER.. best kowt... happening gile... pastue kitorang pegi cinema 4D... sumpah best.. the thing inside thefilm come to alive to us... kita rasa semua yang jadi kat the character... for example macam jatuh dalam air ke.. the water will sp[lash to us as well.. gegar ke, spider ke, crab ke.. sumpah sangat awsomelah....
yang paling best tue logride.. best kowt... kita rasa macam naek rollercoaster.. tapi sebenmarnye kita dalam wayang je pown.... sumpah amazing gile technology 4D nie....
last but not least kitorang pegi menonton macam live theatre dekat siloso beach.. snangat fantastic.. dengan gabungan fire work and laser technique.. persembahan malam tue walaupun hujan.. sangat2 best.. im giving the actor and actress for the short theatre a big standing ovation.... applauded as our trip sangat best..
before i end this entry go check my facebook.. tgk gambar2 pegi singapore... macam model gitu.. best
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